Who and Why we are here

This blog is our voice of the energy industry as a growing company looking to make our mark in the world. We want to share what we know and what others do as well about this industry, as it has a lot of questions to answer and we hope to help out a bit there.

Xtra Energy Services delivers solutions to the Energy Production and Waste Disposal needs of the Resource and Infrastructure industries. Our Process and Equipment Designs are tailored to your application while incorporating regional standards and proven technology, so you get clean, quiet reliability in everything we offer.

Xtra Energy Services specializes in high capacity high efficiency enclosed flares that are Silent, Efficient, Cost Effective and Reduce Green House Gasses. Because of our solar powered technology and one-button operation there are virtually no setup or operational costs. Our equipment is designed to run safer with minimal maintenance, they don’t disturb the environment around them and don’t give off any noise, scent, or visual pollution. In short Xtra Energy products ensure the full job is done… The right way. Xtra Energy Services delivers solutions to the Energy Production and Waste Disposal needs of the Resource and Infrastructure industries. Our Process and Equipment Designs are tailored to your application while incorporating regional standards and proven technology, so you get clean, quiet reliability in everything we offer.

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